Parents and voters, have you seen this social media post on Natick Talks from Natick School Committee candidate Donna McKenzie tying Parental Rights Natick to hate for our Jewish community?!!
Is someone with this type of judgement about our local nonprofit group that's a voice for diverse Natick parents who want healthy gender policies and unbiased education for their children qualified to make good policy decisions for all families in Natick Public Schools? Read her full comments about us here:

LIE: We're "creating division and hate by...refusal to recognize what science teaches us about gender and its fluidity are also increasing intolerance."
TRUTH: We're sounding the alarm bells on current harmful, divisive school policies that allow children to change their gender status at school without parental consent. We sent a formal request to the district asking them to change the parental exclusion policy and require parental consent for all student gender transitions (see below). Why doesn't Donna understand that the NPS Gender Support Plan that can keep parents in the dark about their child leading a double life and using a different gender identity at school literally divides children and parents?

LIE: We're an "outside group" trying to "influence the content of curriculum to whitewash and straight wash our books and history."
TRUTH: We're a local Massachusetts-based nonprofit whose officers are Natick residents and parents. We're fighting on behalf of Natick families whose concerns about controversial gender ideology in Natick Public Schools are being ignored. We've asked the district to adopt a student exemption policy so parents can opt their children out of age-inappropriate, controversial gender lessons. Why doesn't Donna understand that opt-out policies put parents back in charge of their own children's education and wellbeing but don't take learning opportunities away from other students?!
Ironically, Donna McKenzie blames social media for perpetuating intolerance and division yet uses social media to smear Parental Rights Natick!
Email the Natick School Committee at schoolcommittee@natickps.org to voice your concerns about indoctrinating curriculum, biased education, and unhealthy gender policies.
Will you also forward this to other concerned Natick parents to help them stay informed and sign up to receive our weekly emails?