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These Desisters Prove That Parents are Not The Enemy: More on Natick Public Schools Risky Gender Identity Policy


A desister is someone who previously identified as transgender but later re-identified with his/her biological sex before undergoing any medical intervention. 

When Natick Public Schools decides to socially transition students in secret while their parents are kept in the dark in the name of student "agency" and "safety," the district usurps the authority of parents and may put the mental and physical health of minors at risk. This is especially true for any gender confused/questioning children who, over time, will become comfortable with their natal sex (desistance).

Detransitioner/desister Maia Poet credits her mother for understanding that she didn't need to outsource her parenting to some other expert or person to know what was best for Maia.

This interview is a must watch for many reasons, as Maia discusses how being in a war zone made her realize the body she was born in is not a pathology. She also credits her mother for having the "common sense to see right through...gender ideology."

11-year-old desister Alicia Konen re-identified as a girl after her mother sued a school district (and won) for hiding her daughter's gender identity.

In what’s been called a landmark victory for parental rights, Alicia's mother Jessica Konen won a $100,000 lawsuit against a California school district who “socially transitioned” her to a boy without parental knowledge or consent. Alicia has since decided to re-identify as a girl and both are now eager to work together and help remove “the parental secrecy” out of schools.

Dr. Riittakerttu Kaltiala—described as “Finland’s leading expert on pediatric gender medicine and chief psychiatrist at its largest gender clinic”—says “four out of five” gender-questioning children eventually accept their bodies (desist) if no medical interventions are carried out. The doctor says data from 12 separate studies supports her claim.

What if Natick Public Schools' Gender Identity Policy is an obstacle to gender confused/questioning children desisting by removing cautious and loving parents from a so-called support plan?! We know social transitioning is often the first step and paves the way to medical transitioning in the future, which can cause lifelong, irreversible harms to a child's physical and mental health.

Parents who proceed with caution or take a more holistic approach with a gender confused/questioning child are intrinsically linked to making sure that child is protected physically, emotionally, psychologically, and intellectually.

Confused children do not need their confusion "affirmed" by Natick Public Schools with unqualified staff members acting as a "transition support team" while parents are kept in the dark. Like Maia and Alicia, gender confused/questioning kids in Natick Public Schools unquestionably need and deserve their parents.

Email the Natick School Committee at to voice your concerns about unsafe gender policies and practices that allow school administrators and staff to hide your child's chosen gender identity from you.

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