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Stop the Ideological Capture of Our Children


Updated: Jul 21, 2024

Parents, grandparents, taxpayers and voters: We urgently need your help electing James Roberts for Natick School Committee on Tuesday, March 26 to put parents back in charge of their children in Natick Public Schools.

We’ve reached a pivotal point in Natick Public Schools where adults in positions of authority are imposing gender ideology on other people’s children through high-risk school policies and supporting practices. 

You may know by now that last week, Natick School Committee Chair Shai Fuxman (who is up for re-election) received a 15-page legal letter about the risks and potential liabilities associated with the school district's current Gender Identity Policy, which can exclude parents! Natick town officials, including school administrators, the police chief, and the director of public health also received a copy of this letter.

James Roberts is the only candidate running for Natick School Committee who wants to abolish this outdated, high-risk Gender Identity Policy that can keep parents in the dark about their child changing his/her gender status at school. James supports a policy that requires parental consent and involvement in gender support plans for any gender confused/questioning child who attends Natick Public Schools.

You probably know by now that Natick Public Schools is also indoctrinating children in biased and confusing gender concepts that teach elementary-aged students as young as 7 years old things like “when a baby grows up to be transgender, it means that the grown-up who said they were a boy or a girl made a mistake.” 

The NPS middle school health curriculum is equally indoctrinating. In fact, one parent and student report that in 6th grade health class, children are learning that “genitals don’t equal gender” through this “What are Pronouns?” video. This 5-minute video lectures children on why it’s important not to misgender (note: how is this related to health?!) and tells them how “genitals and body don’t actually reflect anything about a person’s gender at all” (note: even though the etymology of the word genitalia is “pertaining to birth”). 

James Roberts is the only candidate running for Natick School Committee who supports a student exemption policy for biased, high-risk gender lessons. James believes parents should decide when and how they want their children to learn about controversial concepts around gender ideology—especially around ideas that can impact their mental and physical health and lay the groundwork for life-changing decisions that can harm children.

For these gender lessons, James is also the only candidate supporting the current district policy for how to teach social and controversial issues in the classroom. Based on the current policy, James advocates for allowing “all sides” of the controversial practice of a child changing his/her gender to be part of classroom discussion, which encourages children to think critically about these ideas.

If you believe in safeguarding children against ideological capture by Natick Public Schools and preserving parental rights, please vote for James Roberts for Natick School Committee on Tuesday March 26!

Will you also forward this blog to at least one other concerned Natick voter?! 



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